Regimental Duty Officer - (760) 725-7002
Regimental Duty Cell - (760) 390-5159
S-1 Legal and Administration
(760) 763-1769
Unit Voting Assistance Officer
(760) 763-1769
Admin Chief
(760) 725-7668
S-2 Intelligence
Intelligence Officer
(760) 763-4716
Intelligence Chief
(760) 763-4715
S-3 Operations
Operations Officer
(760) 763-4704
Operations Alpha
(760) 725-7692
(760) 763-4708
Operations Chief
(760) 725-7219
Section Chiefs
(760) 725-7585
S-4 Supply and Logistics
Logistics Officer
(760) 725-4703
Logistics Alpha
(760) 725-4701
Motor T Officer
(760) 725-7938
Supply Officer
(760) 763-4703
Embark Officer
(760) 725-7733
Logistics Chief
(760) 725-7732
Motor T Chief
(760) 725-7938
Ammo Chief
(760) 763-1579
MMO Chief
(760) 763-4701
Supply Chief
(760) 763-7979
S-6 Communications
Communications Officer
(760) 763-4710
Communications Chief
(760) 763-4709
Data Chief / Webmaster
(760) 763-4714
EKMS Manager
(760) 725-9919
Comm SNCO's
(760) 725-4714
HQCo Headquarters Company
Commanding Officer
(760) 725-7996
Company First Sergeant
(760) 725-7705
Company Gunnery Sergeant
(760) 725-7705
(760) 763-7748
Career Planner
(760) 7631770
RAS Regimental Aid Station
Medical Officer
(760) 725-7826
Front Desk
(760) 725-7410
Chaplain Regimental Chaplain
(760) 725-7614
Chaplain Cell
(760) 207-1003
(760) 725-7614