3d Battalion, 11th Marines

1st Marine Division
Twentynine Palms, California

The mission of 3d Battalion, 11th Marines is to provide direct support fires to 7th Marine Regiment and general support and reinforcing fires to other maneuver elements of 1st Marine Division during combat operations. This is our reason for existence and number one priority. Mission first is an intangible which requires selflessness at its core.

Third Battalion, Eleventh Marines was activated 1 May 1943 at Victoria, Australia as the Fifth Battalion, Eleventh Marines, First Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force. The Battalion was redesignated Third Battalion, Eleventh Marines on 7 May 1944. During World War II, Third Battalion participated in the Eastern New Guinea, New Britain, Peleliu and Okinawa campaigns. Following World War II, Third Battalion participated in the occupation of North China from September 1945 to January 1947. In December 1946, the battalion was attached to the Seventh Marines. The battalion was relocated to Camp Pendleton, California in January 1947 and was assigned to the Third Marine Brigade. The battalion was deactivated on 30 September 1947.

Third Battalion, Eleventh Marines was reactivated on 20 August 1950 at Camp Pendleton and was assigned to the First Marine Division, FMF. The battalion deployed in September 1950 to Kobe, Japan and participated in the Korean War, operating from Inchon, Seoul, the Chosin Reservoir, the East, Central, and Western Fronts. Third Battalion participated in the defense of the Korean demilitarized Zone from July 1953 to February 1955. The battalion was relocated to Camp Pendleton in February 1955.

In May 1965, Third Battalion was attached to Regimental Landing Team Seven and deployed to the Western Pacific. The battalion was assigned to the Third Marine Division in June 1965 and was later reassigned to the First Marine Division in March 1966 to October 1970, the battalion participated in the war in Vietnam, operating from Chu Lai, Da Nang, Dai Loc, and Hoi An. Third Battalion relocated to Camp Pendleton in October 1970 and was assigned to the Fifth Marine Amphibious Brigade.

The battalion was reassigned in April 1971 to the First Marine Division, FMF. Third Battalion relocated to its current home at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California in February 1990. The battalion participated in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in Southwest Asia from August 1990 to March 1991.

From December 1992 to April 1993, the battalion was deployed as a Provisional Infantry Battalion to Mogadishu, Somalia for Operation Restore Hope. While in Somalia the battalion was instrumental in coordinating security for the city of Mogadishu with 12 other nations.

The battalion once again deployed to Southwest Asia from January 2003 to July 2003 to support the First Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The battalion’s timely and accurate fires proved to be crucial in allowing I MEF to quickly move deep into Iraqi territory and topple the regime in 21 days of major combat operations. Immediately following the fall of Baghdad, the battalion assumed the mission of a Provisional Infantry Battalion and begun assisting in civil/military duties as well as conducting Security and Stability Operation (SASO) patrols in the capital city, securing hospitals and other vital infrastructure.

In November 2003 the battalion again received orders to deploy to Iraq, but this time as a Provisional Military Police Battalion. The battalion quickly transitioned into its new job and deployed from February 2004 to September 2004. The battalion’s motto of Semper Flexibils, Always Flexible, held true with the battalion participating in missions ranging from convoy escorts, combat patrols, humanitarian assistance, security force training, and controlling a battle space of over 40,000 square kilometers.

Today the Third Battalion, Eleventh Marines stands ready to deploy anywhere in the world.

Chaplain Eric A. Gledhill, LT, USN

Phone Number:
(760) 830-5521

Email: eric.gledhill@usmc.mil

PHONE #: (703) 268-1787


What is the Unit Deployment Readiness Program?

The Unit Deployment Readiness Program provides support to the individual Service Member and their family to successfully balance life, career and mission events. This support is provided through proactive outreach and intervention using Official Communication, Information and Referral and Readiness and deployment Support. This support is extended to the entire family unit and includes children, spouses, parents and other extended family members.

Who can participate?

Anyone and everyone is encouraged to participate. This can include parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, fiancées, children and more. If you are interested, we’d love to have you.

Who do I contact to sign-up/ ask questions?

Contact the Deployment Readiness Officer for more details.


Battalion Duty Officer:
(760) 468-8789 

Staff Sections:
S-1: (760) 830-5481
S-2: (760) 830-5502
S-3: (760) 830-5541
S-4: (760) 830-3531
S-6: (760) 830-4722

3d Battalion, 11th Marines
PO BOX 788264
29 Palms, CA 92278

(760) 830-5521

Military Family Life Counselor:
(442) 300-4865

Substance Abuse Control Officer:
(760) 830-5539

Career Planner:
(760) 830-8909

Unit Voting Assistance Officer:
(760) 830-5534

11th Marines Equal Opportunity Advisor 

Gunnery Sergeant Allen E. Greggs Jr.

(442) 615-8684


"Every Marine and Sailor of 11th Marine Regiment will be treated with decency, dignity, and respect, and will be provided full and equal opportunity for professional development and success. We are an elite institution of warriors. It is our shared responsibility to ensure the continued health of our collective soul and identity."

PAC Tool Kit Link:  Home (usmc.mil) 

Service members who wish to file complaints of PAC shall consult with their servicing EOA to complete NAVMC Form 11512.

Access complaint form here: NAVMC Form 11512

Service members may submit Informal, Formal, or Anonymous complaints within 90 calendar days from the most recent incident (120 days for Reserve component Service members).

Service members have the option to confidentially report sexual harassment.  Reports should only be disclosed to: EOA, victim service providers, or healthcare personnel. Confidential complaints must be submitted to the EOA  within 90 days of most recent incident.  This will not be reported to the chain of command but will allow for support resources and referrals.

Service members may file a complaint through: 

•Equal Opportunity Advisor

•Inspector General Office https://hotline.usmc.mil

•NCIS Tip Line https://www.ncis.nav.mil/Resources/NCIS-Tips/

•Anonymous Complaint

For more information: PAC Prevention & Response Policy, MCO 5354.1G




3d Battalion 11th Marines Leaders

Commanding Officer, 3d Battalion, 11th Marines

LtCol Christopher R. Hart

Lieutenant Colonel Hart was raised in Tualatin, Oregon; and enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1996....

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Official Photo

Sergeant Major, 3d Battalion, 11th Marines

SgtMaj J.M. Elizondo

Sergeant Major Elizondo was born in Houston, Texas and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on July 8, 2002. He graduated from recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) San Diego, California in October 2002 and reported to Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) at Camp Pendleton,...

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Official Photo

1st Marine Division