Contact the 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion Embedded MFLC at 760-573-0354
Please leave a voicemail to schedule an Appointment
Military & Family Life Counseling Program
Military families face unique challenges. They may struggle with issues such as deployment-related stress, reintegration and pressures of managing parenting and finances while a loved one is deployed.
To support military families facing these or additional challenges, the Military and Family Life Counseling Program:
· Provides short-term, non-medical counseling services to service members and their families at no cost
· Provides psycho-education to help military service members and their families understand the impact of deployments, family reunions following deployments and other stresses related to military life
· Augments existing military support services
· Offers flexible service delivery
· Can provide services on or off of military installations
· Can provide services to individuals, couples, families and groups
With the exception of child abuse, domestic abuse and duty to warn situations services are private and confidential.
About Military and Family Life Counselors
· Masters or Doctorate-level licensed counselors
· Work with families, individuals, couples and children
· Work with existing military and family support programs to complement services provided
Non-Medical Counseling Services
Life skills
· Anger Management
· Communication
· Relations Issues
· Productivity at work
· Decision-making Skills
· Conflict Resolution
· Parenting
Military Lifestyle
· Deployment Stress
· Reintegration
· Coping Skills
· Separation
· Homesickness
· Resiliency
· Relocation adjustment
· Sadness, Grief & Loss
Service Providers and Leaders
Military and Family Life Counseling services are available at installation Military and Family Support Centers.
If an installation is not nearby, military service providers and leaders can request non-medical counseling services for unit events at:
Contact the 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion Embedded MFLC at 760-573-0354
Please leave a voicemail to schedule an Appointment
The right of all Marine Corps members to directly communicate grievances to, or seek assistance from, their Commanding Officer(s) is established in U.S. Navy Regulations (Articles 0820c and 1151.1) and the Marine Corps Manual (par 805). This right is exercised through the formal process of Request Mast.
Request Mast includes both the right of the member to personally talk to the Commanding Officer, normally in person, and the requirement that the Commanding Officer consider the matter and personally respond to the member requesting mast.
Request Mast provides a member the opportunity to communicate not only with his or her immediate Commanding Officer, but also with any superior Commanding Officer in the chain of command up to and including the member's immediate Commanding General. Request Mast also provides Commanding Officers with firsthand knowledge of the morale and general welfare of the command.
All Marine Corps members should first make every effort to address offending behavior directly with the party responsible, verbally or in writing. You can also discuss the matter with your immediate supervisor and request assistance. If you are unable to resolve the issue informally, you have the right to Request Mast.
A Commanding Officer may deny a Request Mast application if there is another specific avenue of redress available to the member. The Commanding Officer should explain to the member why he/she denied the Request Mast application and, if appropriate, explain the procedure the member should follow to resolve the issue.
The Commanding Officer may also require the member to go through the Chain of Command prior to approving Mast.
Generally, a military member can speak to their Commanding Officer about any subject; however, the member cannot use Request Mast for the following reasons:
- Request Mast should not be used as a means of attacking the proceedings, punishment, or findings and sentence resulting from a disciplinary action brought under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
- Request Mast may not be used to harass, avoid duty, or intentionally interfere with the Commanding Officer's ability to carry out the functions and mission of the command.
- Request Mast cannot be used if the member is being processed for involuntary separation or if the subject of the complaint is an ongoing Article 138, UCMJ, or Article 1150, Navy Regulations.
Complete the Request Mast Application form (NAVMC 11296 Rev 5-19) and submit it through the chain of command to the Commanding Officer. Ask your legal office for assistance in obtaining a copy of the form.
Marine Corps Request Mast Form NAVMC 11296 (Rev. 05-19)
Example Request Mast Tracker for Commanders
Sample Request Mast Command Bulletin
Command Team Request Mast Class
Example Unit-Level Request Mast Class
3D Assault Amphibian Battalion was originally activated 16 September 1942 at San Diego, California, as 3D Amphibian Tractor (Amtrac) Battalion and assigned to the 3D Marine Division. During December 1942, the battalion relocated from San Diego a short distance up the coast to Camp Pendleton. After training for a few months, the battalion then deployed in February-March 1943 to Auckland, New Zealand in preparation for combat in the Pacific theater.
During World War II, the battalion was primarily armed with Landing Vehicle Tracked (LVT), specifically the LVT-2 also known as "WATER BUFFALOS." The battalion fought in the following combat actions:
- Bougainville with 124 LVT-1s
- Guam with 193 LVT-2s and LVT-4s
- Iwo Jima with 90 LVT-2s
For its actions in World War II 3D Amphibian Tractor Battalion was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation Streamer, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal Streamer With Four Bronze Stars, and the World War II Victory Medal Streamer.
At the conclusion of World War II the battalion redeployed in March 1945 to Maui, territory of Hawaii and then relocated during February 1946 back to Camp Pendleton, California. It was deactiviated several months later on 1 May, 1946.
1952 - 1966
3D Amphibian Tractor Battalion was reactivated 1 April, 1952 at Camp Pendleton, California and assigned to Fleet Marine Force Pacific. It was subsequently reassigned during October 1955 to the 1st Marine Division Elements where it participated in the Cuban Missile Crisis October-December 1962.
During this period, the battalion was still armed with LVTs - transitioning primarily to the LVT-5 in the late 1950s.
3D Amphibian Tractor Battalion deployed during February 1966 to Camp Schwab, Okinawa and redeployed again in March 1966 to the Republic of Vietnam. There, the battalion fought in the Vietnam War from March 1966 - January 1970. During this conflict, the battalion distinguished itself at Chu Lai, Da Nang, An Hoa, Hoi An
Throughout Vietnam, the battalion was armed with variants of the LVT-5.
For its actions in Vietnam, 3D Amtrac Battalion was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation Streamer, Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation Streamer, National Defense Service Medal Streamer,Vietnam Service Medal Streamer With Two Silver Stars, Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm Streamer, and the Vietnam Civil Actions Medal Unit Citation Streamer.
The battalion relocated during February 1970 to Camp Pendleton, California, and was reassigned to the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade. It was again reassigned in August 1970 to the 5th Marine Amphibious Brigade. Subsequently, in April 1971, the battalion was reassigned to the 1st Marine Division with whom it remains to this day. In the early 1970s the battalion transitioned from the LVT-5 to its replacement the LVT-7.
On 30 December 1976, the battalion was re-designated from 3D Amphibian Tractor Battalion to 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion (written as 3D AABn). The battalion participated in numerous training exercises throughout the remainder of the 1970s.
Throughout the 1980s, 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion deployed companies on its regular schedule of six month deployments to the forward units in Hawaii and Okinawa, including units aboard amphibious troop ships for fast-reaction forces in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and into the Persian Gulf. It shared personnel and vehicles with the 1st Armored Assault Battalion as part of the Unit Deployment Program.
In the early 1980s the battalion's LVT-7s underwent a Service Life Extension Program (SLEP), which converted the LVT-7 vehicles to the improved Amphibious Assault Vehicle-7A1 (AAV-7A1) by adding an upgraded engine, transmission, and weapons system improving the overall maintainability of the vehicle.
Realizing the need to mechanize units participating in the Combined Arms Exercises (CAX), two platoons of AAVs were transferred to the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms (MCAGCC) in July of 1979. The two platoons were formed from Camp Pendleton -- one went to Company A, 3D Tank Battalion, and the other platoon went to Company B, 3D Tank Battalion.
The two platoons later merged and became Company D, 3D Tank Battalion, in September 1980. Two additional platoons from 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion in Hawaii arrived onboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in December 1981. A redesignation ceremony was held on 18 January 1982 in which the colors of Company D, 3D Tank Battalion were formally retired and replaced with the new colors of Company D (Rein), 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion. The company was instrumental in training Marines in desert warfare as they rotated in and out of the live-fire desert training area, a key to the Marine Corp's success in the 1991 Gulf War.
For its superior performance from 1983 - 1985, the battalion was awarded a Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation.
In August 1990, 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion received orders to prepare for an overseas deployment to Southwest Asia as a response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. In the following month the unit deployed to Saudi Arabia and received shipments of its Amphibious Assault Vehicles from Maritime Prepositioning ships to augment its current vehicle ranks.
During this time, the battalion began upgrading its P-7A1s to carry the UGWS (UpGunned Weapons Station), which mounts a .50 cal (12.7mm) M2HB machine gun and a Mk-19 40mm grenade launcher.
In preparation for the assault into Kuwait, the battalion divided into two main mechanized infantry task forces, along with 1st and 3D Tank Battalions, to form Task Force Ripper and Task Force Papa Bear respectively. The units trained and patrolled the Saudi frontier with Kuwait until the start of the ground war in February 1991. After five days of combat, the two task forces, along with other other Marine task forces, British and Pan-Arab units, captured Kuwait International Airport and a cease-fire was announced. During the march to Kuwait City, the mechanized infantry task forces were responsible for the defeat of numerous Iraqi regiments, the capture of tens of thousands of Iraqi prisoners, and the capture or destruction of thousands of enemy armored vehicles. 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion returned to Camp Pendleton in March 1991.
For its actions during the Gulf War, the Battalion was awarded a Navy Unit Commendation Streamer, National Defense Service Medal Streamer, and the Southwest Asia Service Medal Streamer With Two Bronze Stars.
On 9 December 1992, in support of Operation Restore Hope, elements of 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion attached to the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit landed on the beach just outside the Mogadishu International Airport in Somalia. These initial forces were soon followed by Bravo, Delta, and Headquarters and Service Companies of 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion. These units' operations stretched from Mogadishu to Bardera, Baidoa, and Kismayo. The battalion served as a blocking force for the International Airport's reception of airlifted humanitarian supplies, then extended its services as road guards for supply convoys and foot patrols in and around Mogadishu.
Elements of 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion served in Somalia or off the coast aboard MEUs from 1992 until approximately 1995. For its actions during Operation Restore
Hope, the battalion was awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award Streamer and the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Streamer.
In 2003, 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom as part of the 1st Marine Division. They first deployed in February of 2003 to Kuwait and crossed the border into Iraq in March, attacking all the way to Baghdad. The battalion served as the primary mechanized assault support for the infantry and proved to be an invaluable asset in crossing the vast distances and urban areas of Iraq. The battalion continues to support operations throughout the world.
The battalion's actions in support of the Global War on Terror have earned it a Presidential Unit Citation Streamer, Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation Streamer, National Defense Service Medal Streamer, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Streamer, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Streamer.
1942 - 1946:
Activated 16 September 1942 at San Diego, California, as 3rd Amphibian Tractor Battalion and assigned to the 3rd Marine Division
Relocated during December 1942 to Camp Pendleton, California
Deployed during February-March 1943 to Auckland, New Zealand
Participated in the following World War II campaigns:
Iwo Jima
Redeployed during March 1945 to Maui, territory of Hawaii
Relocated during February 1946 to Camp Pendleton, California
Deactiviated 1 May 1946
1952 - 1975:
Reactivated 1 April 1952 at Camp Pendleton, California, and assigned to Fleet Marine Force, Pacific
Reassigned during October 1955 to the 1st Marine Division
Element participated in the Cuban Missile Crisis, October-December 1962
Deployed during February 1966 to Camp Schwab, Okinawa
Redeployed during March 1966 to the Republic of Vietnam
Participated in the war in Vietnam, March 1966 - January 1970, operating from:
Chu Lai
Da Nang
An Hoa
Hoi An
Relocated during February 1970 to Camp Pendleton, California, and reassigned to the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
Reassigned during August 1970 to the 5th Marine Amphibious Brigade
Reassigned during April 1971 to the 1st Marine Division
Redesignated 30 December 1976 as 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion
Participated in numerous training excercises throughout the 1970's - 1980's
Participated in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Southwest Asia, August 1990 - March 1991
Participated in Operations in Somalia, December 1992 - April 1993, January - March 1995
Deployed during January 2003 to Kuwait in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
Participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq, March-May 2003
Elements participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq, March-October 2004