1st Reconnaissance Battalion

1st Marine Division
Camp Pendleton, California


Realizing it is my choice and my choice alone
to be a Reconnaissance Marine,
I accept all challenges involved with this profession.
Forever shall I strive to maintain the tremendous reputation
of those who went before me.

Exceeding beyond the limitations
set down by others shall be my goal.
Sacrificing personal comforts and dedicating myself
to the completion of the reconnaissance mission shall be my life.
Physical fitness, mental attitude, and high ethics --

The title of Recon Marine is my honor.

Conquering all obstacles, both large and small,
I shall never quit.
To quit, to surrender, to give up is to fail.
To be a Recon Marine is to surpass failure;
To overcome, to adapt and to do whatever it takes
to complete the mission.

On the battlefield, as in all areas of life,
I shall stand tall above the competition.
Through professional pride, integrity, and teamwork,
I shall be the example
for all Marines to emulate.

Never shall I forget the principles
I accepted to become a Recon Marine.
Honor, Perseverance, Spirit and Heart.

A Recon Marine can speak without saying a word
and achieve what others can only imagine.

Battalion Chaplain

LT Joshua Whiteside, CHC, USN

Battalion Chaplain

1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Email: joshua.whiteside@usmc.mil

(O): 760-763-1099

(C): 757-672-4849

Duty Chaplain: 760-470-7077

Battalion Deployment and Family Readiness 

Michael Miller

Deployment Readiness Coordinator

1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division

Camp Pendleton CA, 92055-5584

41 Area ,Camp Las Flores

Bldg. 4100 / Room: 208

Office: 760-763-1099

Cell: 760-468-9454

E-mail: Michael.k.Miller1@usmc.mil


1st Reconnaissance Bn
PO BOX 555584
Camp Pendleton,
CA 92055-5584 

Camp Pendleton
Directory Assistance:

Contact Phone Number
1st Recon BN Family Readiness Office (760) 763-1099
1st Recon BN Officer of the Day (OOD) (760) 390-9244


1st Reconnaissance Battalion Leaders

Commanding Officer, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Lieutenant Colonel D. J. Davis

Lieutenant Colonel Davis is a native of South Bend, Indiana. He graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Business Administration and commissioned through the Platoon Leaders Course program in 2006. ...

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Official Photo

Sergeant Major, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Sergeant Major R. B. Johnson

Sergeant Major Johnson is a native of Washington D.C., He enlisted in the U.S. Marines April 1999 upon graduating recruit training atRecruit Depot Parris Island, SC he reported to Infantry Training Battalion Camp Geiger, NC....

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Official Photo

1st Marine Division