Religious Ministries
Worship Services aboard Camp Pendleton may be found at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton > Main Menu > Staff & Agencies > Chaplains (, or can be obtained by calling the Religious Development Center (760) 725-4700, Marine Memorial Chapel (760) 725-5322 or Blinder Memorial Chapel (760) 725-2929.
Additional information and resources such as Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society, and specialized programs, such as CREDO and PREP, may also be found at the above link.
In these days a great deal is being asked of our military and military families. Tremendous moral and spiritual strength is required to succeed. The chaplain is a confidential resource for Marines, Sailors and their dependents. Let us know how we can be of service.
The Regiment Chaplain is LCDR Stephen B. Brown who can be reached during the day at (760) 725-4941 or email
In case of emergency or after hours the Chaplain may be reached through the Regimental CDO at (760) 725-3627.