1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment Leaders

Portrait of LtCol T. W. Morrow
LtCol T. W. Morrow
Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines

LtCol Morrow was born in San Diego, CA and ultimately settled in Libertyville, IL.  In 2002, following graduating from Carmel High School, he attended the University of Kansas and received a BA in U.S. History in 2006.  In May 2006, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant via the NROTC program.

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Portrait of SgtMaj D. R. Benson
SgtMaj D. R. Benson
Sergeant Major, 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment

Sergeant Major Benson is from Hughesville, Missouri and enlisted in the Marine Corps in February of 2000.

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