Staff Sergeant Lugos, Javier

Office: (760) 763-1766

As your Career Retention Specialist, I have specific responsibilities to all of you.

The Career Retention Specialist is a special staff officer, responsible directly to the commander for all aspects of enlisted retention. Additionally, the Career Retention Specialist serves as a liaison between the command and Headquarters Marine Corps (MMEA-6) on all retention matters. The primary mission of the Career Retention Specialist is to take care of Marines in the unit by assisting them in improving their performance and competitiveness for promotion and retention. This includes advising Marines on the following: Enlisted Career Force Controls (ECFC's) (promotion tempos, service limits, FTAP); required PME, the Fitness Report Audit Program; Performance Evaluation Review Board; B-billets and Special Duty Assignments; duty station choices, selection zones for promotion; remedial promotion boards; involuntary separation pay; and the use of the enlisted career counseling service.

Please feel free to contact me at my work or cell phone at anytime if you have further questions or concerns.

Career Planning Links

Check For Enlisted Fitness Report Date Gaps Fitness Report Date Gap Information
MOS Road Maps Web Site
Enlisted Assignments Web Site
Enlisted PME Web Site
Career Tool Box
Enlisted Career Counselors Web Site
Military Compensation Web Site
Career NewsFlash
Enlisted Career Force Controls (ECFCÕs)
Pier Diem Web Site
Cutting Scores Web Site
Separations and Retirement
Marine for Life Program
SMART Transcript
VMET Online
Operation Transition
DoD TransPortal: The DoD Web Portal for Military Transitioners
Enlisted to Officer Programs web site





PAC Process 

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1st Marine Division