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1st Tank Battalion


1st Tank Battalion

"Steel on Target"

1st Marine Division, Twentynine Palms, Calif.
Corporal William Nikulos, a heavy equipment operator with 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion, piles rubble and tears down walls during a patrol base reduction operation, Feb. 23. Nikulos, a native of Caste Rock, W.S., and the rest of 3rd CEB worked the last 3 days to level half of the base. The battalion worked closely with the Afghan National Civil Order Police in deciding what to destroy and where to build new walls.
A 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion bulldozer moves dirt to reinforce a newly built wall, Feb. 23. The battalion tore down or reduced more than 12 patrol bases during the last months. With fewer men stationed in the area, the need to scale down bases was a primary mission for 3rd CEB.
Marines and New Zealand Army soldiers, also known as Kiwis, sit in a circle on worn-out couches, chairs and benches as they wait for their next scenario in their counter insurgency exercise at Range 220A, June 20. The Marines and Kiwis made strong bonds during their down time as they found out just how much they had in common.
Marines with 3rd CEB work with New Zealand Army soldiers for a counterinsurgency exercise, June 20, at the Combined Arms Military Operations on Urban Terrain town at Range 220A. The allies worked together at the combat center for the first time in 27 years.