Leticia “Missy” Harrison
Office: 760-725-2316
Cell Phone: 760-840-7381
Deployment Readiness Coordinator/ 3d Assault Amphibian Battalion
Mrs Harrison began her affiliation with the Marine Corps upon her marriage to a Marine in 1996. Her career in support of Marine families started soon after by becoming a Key Volunteer for the Inspector-Instructor Staff, 4th Reconnaissance Battalion in San Antonio, Texas. Upon completion of that tour and a subsequent one-year move to Quantico, Virginia, in 1999 Mrs Harrison became the Key Volunteer Coordinator for 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines at the Marine Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, California. Initially working for LtCol Drew Bennet and then for LtCol Kip Haskell, she facilitated the flow of information from the battalion to dependent spouses, recruited and supervised the training for volunteers, organized pre-deployment briefs for families and coordinated social events including family days and Jayne Wayne days. In 2001, she was recognized as the Key Volunteer of the Year for the Western Region of the United States.
In 2005, after accompanying her husband for a three-year joint duty assignment in El Paso, Texas, Mrs Harrison resumed the role of Key Volunteer Coordinator this time in support of Col Peter Petronzio and the Marine Special Operations Advisor Group (MSOAG), Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. This unit is now known as 3rd Marine Raider Battalion. MSOAG was a brand-new unit and Mrs Harrison was the first KVC, successfully establishing the KV program and recruiting volunteer assistants.
When the Marine Corps began the paid civilian Family Readiness Officer program in 2008, Mrs Harrison was one of the first Family Readiness Officers hired by Marine Corps Community Services. Her first tour as a Family Readiness Officer was with 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division under LtCol Larry Landon. Again she was charged with establishing a program where none had existed before and did so successfully while supporting family members through multiple MEU and OIF deployments.
Mrs Harrison moved with her family to Southern California in 2010 and resumed duties as a Family Readiness Officer with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron-16, Marine Aircraft Group-16, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. Working in support of LtCol James Carroll, she supported families throughout the squadron’s OEF deployment and coordinated multiple homecoming and reintegration events upon redeployment in 2011.
In July, 2011, Mrs Harrison was requested by-name by LtCol Brian Bruggeman to transfer to 1st ANGLICO in order to replace his previous FRO. Again, she stepped into a unit’s FRO position in the middle of its OEF deployment, established supportive relationships with the unit’s families and facilitated Marines’ and sailors’ reintegration with their families upon redeployment. Mrs Harrison remained at 1st ANGLICO four more years, earning MCCS’s Five-year Service award in 2013 and supporting family readiness throughout subsequent combat deployments.
She moved to her current position at 3d AABn in October of 2021