Deployment Readiness Coordinator
Tracy Hardin
Office #: 760-763-2774
Cell #: 760-405-3766


On behalf of the Commanding Officer and our Marines and Sailors, welcome to the 2d Battalion, 5th Marines Family Readiness Program. The mission of the Family Readiness Program is to equip our Marines, Sailors and their families with the tools they need to meet the challenges of military life. As your Deployment Readiness Coordinator (formerly Family Readiness Officer - FRO), I am your liaison between the chain of Command, and you, the family members who support the Marines and Sailors of the most decorated infantry Battalion in the Marine Corps.  

Communication is vital component to navigating this military life and, while it is the primary responsibility of the individual Marine/Sailor to keep his/her family informed, the DRC can assist in this responsibility by providing resource information regarding the many services and programs that are available. 

*Please make sure that your Marine/Sailor has you listed as an Authorized Contact in their MOL Family Readiness Tab.  This will allow your DRC to give you specific information regarding training and deployment. 

**Please know that NO CASUALTY OR INJURY information will EVER come through me.

The community we create is like that of a family - we support each other in our successes and struggles.  We are better together and the network we build will equip us to sustain throughout every challenge of this military life.  As your Deployment Readiness Coordinator, I am available to help connect you to classes that will help you understand how military life works, as well as answer any questions you may have along the way.  We will provide the training and resources to ensure that every Marine, Sailor and family member is resilient and ready for whatever the mission may be. I look forward to connecting with you and having you as a valued member of our Family Readiness Team.






PAC Process 

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1st Marine Division