03.29.2012 -- From 26-28 March 2012, the Marines and Sailors of the 3d AABn made history as they participated in the successful capabilities demonstration of the AAV P-7 from a distance of 12 Nautical miles from ship to shore. This was the very first demonstration of this type with the current configuration of the AAV Family of Vehicles. Tasked by the Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps for Combat Development and Integration and with the assistance of the Assault Amphibian Schools Battalion, Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine Forces Pacific, and the Marine Corps Combat Development Command, 3d AABn operating from the USS Peleliu (LHD-5) and USS Comstock(LSD-49) conducted three out of four successful landing at SIX TIMES the distance of typical amphibious assaults. In addition to significantly enhancing the capabilities and the reputation of the entire Assault Amphibian Community, the data collected during this demonstration will play a significant role in determining the future path of the Martine Corps. As stated by the 3d AABn Commanding Officer, LtCol. Hall, "the great majority of the success of this demonstration was due to the professionalism, hard-work, and attention to detail of every Marine and Sailor from the battalion. We have always relied on our Marines and Sailors to accomplish the mission… whether it was developing the first amphibious capability during the Tarawa landings in World War II, conducting the Inchon landing in Korea, or supporting the ground assaults in Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom, our Marines and Sailors today exhibited the same timeless focus and dedication to accomplish this mission and have proven that they will continue to do so into the future. We are all justifiably proud of their accomplishments.