Sergeant Major Sodergren was born on 31 January 1981 in Cadillac, Michigan. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on 9 August 1999 and attended recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. After recruit training, he completed Marine Combat Training on Camp Pendleton, California and then reported to Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri for military occupational specialty (MOS) training as a Motor Transport and Logistic Vehicle System Operator.
Upon completion of MOS school, Sergeant Major Sodergren received orders to Bridgeport, California where he served as Motor Transport Operator, Snow Team Leader, Dispatcher, and Vehicle Equipment Non-Commissioned Officer. He was promoted to Lance Corporal in April 2001, and he was promoted to Corporal in February 2002. During this assignment, he attended Corporal’s Course in Camp Pendleton, California in April 2002.
In July of 2002, Sergeant Major Sodergren reported to 3d Transportation Support Battalion, 3d Force Service Support Group Okinawa, Japan where he served as Section Leader, Platoon Sergeant, and Platoon Truck Master. During this assignment, he deployed to Korea while attached to Combat Service Support Detachment 31. In February 2003, he was promoted to Sergeant.
In September 2003, he once again reported to Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport California where he served as Platoon Sergeant, Snow Team Leader, Wrecker Operator, Base Hazmat Inspector, and Color Sergeant. During this assignment, he attended Sergeant’s Course in July 2004 in 29 Palms, California.
In July of 2006, Sergeant Major Sodergren reported to 3d Amphibious Assault Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California where he served as Platoon Sergeant, Truck Master, and Motor Transport Chief. In April of 2007 he deployed to Iraq in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. In December of 2007, he was promoted to Staff Sergeant.
In January of 2009, Sergeant Major Sodergren reported to the Basic Recruiter’s Course, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. Upon graduation, he was assigned to Recruiting Station Des Moines, Iowa Recruiting Sub-Station Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska where he served as a Canvassing Recruiter and the Recruiting Sub-Station Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge. During his successful tour on this special duty assignment, he was meritoriously promoted to Gunnery Sergeant in July, 2012. He attended the Staff Sergeant Career Course in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina in August of 2010 and he attended the Advanced Course in Camp Pendleton, California in January of 2012.
In March of 2012, Sergeant Major Sodergren reported to 8th Engineer Support Battalion, 2d Marine Logistics Group, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina where he served as Battalion Truck Master, Battalion Motor Transport Chief, Company Gunnery Sergeant, and Company First Sergeant. During this assignment he deployed to Afghanistan in April, 2012 in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and to Colombia, South America in support of the Colombian Marine Corps.
In August of 2014 he executed orders to Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 12th Marines where he served as Motor Transport Chief and Battery Gunnery Sergeant.
In December, 2014 he was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant and received orders to 3d Radio Battalion where he served as the Headquarters and Service Company First Sergeant.
In June, 2016 Sergeant Major Sodergren executed orders to 3d Battalion, 3d Marines, 3d Marine Division, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii where he served as First Sergeant, Company K. During this assignment he deployed to Okinawa, Japan on the unit deployment program.
In July 2017, Sergeant Major Sodergren assumed the position Inspector-Instructor’s First Sergeant, Company E, 2d Battalion, 24th Marines. He attended Senior Enlisted Professional Military Education seminar in July of 2018.
In March 2020, Sergeant Major Sodergren assumed his current position as the Battalion Sergeant Major of 3d Battalion, 4th Marines.
Sergeant Major Sodergren’s personal awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with four gold stars in lieu of 5th award, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with three gold stars in lieu of 4th award, and the Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.
He is married to his wife Danielle. They have three sons, Caleb, Ethan, and Jacob.