
Executive Officer, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines
Major Richard S. Jahelka

Major Richard Jahelka was born and raised in La Jolla, CA and graduated from San Diego State University with a B.A. in History in 2005.  After graduating from the Infantry Officer’s Course, he checked into 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines in Camp Pendleton, CA.

            In 2006 he deployed on the 15th MEU and participated in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in Ar Ramadi, Iraq as a Rifle Platoon Commander.  In 2008 he deployed on the 31st MEU and participated in Operation CARING RESPONSE in Burma as the Fox Company Executive Officer. 

            From 2009 to 2011 he served at the School of Infantry (West) in the billets of Company Commander and Battalion Operations Officer.  In 2012 he attended the Maneuver Captain’s Career Course at Fort Benning, GA, graduating with honors.

            In 2012 he reported to 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines in 29 Palms, CA.  In 2012-2013 he commanded Echo Company, 2/7 and participated in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in the Sangin and Kajaki Districts of Helmand Province, Afghanistan. 

            In 2013 he assumed command of Weapons Company, 2/7 and deployed on the first SPMAGTF-CR-CENTCOM rotation, participating in Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.  During that time he commanded the Marine forces which conducted the reinforcement, closure, and evacuation of American Citizens at the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a, Yemen.

            In 2015 he reported to the III Marine Expeditionary Force command element, where he served as the G-37 Southeast Asia Exercise Planner, the III MEF Staff Secretary, the OIC of the Marine Detachment in the Southern Philippines in connection with Operation PACIFIC EAGLE – PHILIPPINES, and as the Executive Officer of the III MEF Support Battalion.

            From 2018 to 2019 Major Jahelka attended the USMC Command and Staff College in Quantico, VA, graduating as a Gray Scholar with a certificate in Cyber and Operations in the Information Environment.

            In 2019 Major Jahelka assumed his current duties as the Executive Officer of Second Battalion, Fourth Marines.

            Maj Jahelka holds a Master’s Degree in Systems Analysis from the Naval Postgraduate School and a Master’s Degree in Military Studies from the USMC Command and Staff College. His personal decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (w/ combat V) (x3) and Combat Action Ribbon (x2). He is married to the former Jessica Anderson of Madison, WI.

1st Marine Division