
Jun 9, 2008

An Iraqi Policeman receives a welcoming response from a young citizen on the recovering streets of Ramadi during a patrol near the souk June 9. One of the most visible changes in the city has been the constant effort to remove rubbish from the streets. "A real big problem in the city right now is trash," said Gunnery Sgt. John Cuoco, a team leader with 11th Marine Regiment, an artillery battery currently serving as a provisional civil affairs group in direct support of 1st Battalion, 9th Marines. "(Iraqi and Coalition forces) are making efforts to have the locals use the dumpsters properly. We are doing several campaigns to increase literal awareness. We recently gave informational products to put in every classroom in Ramadi to explain to the children why it's important for them not to litter and use the dumpsters. We're focusing on the children because they do most of the heavy-lifting in Iraq, so if a household empties the trash it's usually a child bringing the trash out."

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1st Marine Division