Lance Cpl. David Phillip Years (left) and his brother, Lance Cpl. Christopher William Years, reunited after a long hiatus Oct. 3 at Combat Outpost Akashat in Iraqâ??s western al-Anbar province. Both reserve Marines, Davidâ??s home unit is Delta Company, 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion in Quantico, Va. Christopher is a member of Fox Co., 4th LAR Bn., in Eastover, S.C., which is serving in Iraq as part of 1st LAR Bn., Regimental Combat Team 5, an active duty unit based at Camp Pendleton, Calif.::r::::n:: - Lance Cpl. David Phillip Years (left) and his brother, Lance Cpl. Christopher William Years, reunited after a long hiatus Oct. 3 at Combat Outpost Akashat in Iraqâ??s western al-Anbar province. Both reserve Marines, Davidâ??s home unit is Delta Company, 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion in Quantico, Va. Christopher is a member of Fox Co., 4th LAR Bn., in Eastover, S.C., which is serving in Iraq as part of 1st LAR Bn., Regimental Combat Team 5, an active duty unit based at Camp Pendleton, Calif.::r::::n::