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Commanding Officer, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
Lieutenant Colonel Christopher D. Winn

Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Winn was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps in March 2005, designated as an infantry officer and ordered to service with 2d Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. He deployed with the Battalion to Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2006-2007 as a Platoon Commander with Company C. He additionally served as Company Executive Officer, Company C, and Commanding Officer for Company B before deploying as the Light Armored Reconnaissance Detachment Commander with the 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit.

In 2009 Captain Winn reported to The Basic School for instructor duty. He served as a primary instructor for the infantry weapons and land navigation programs; and later as Staff Platoon Commander for Warrant Officer Basic Course 1-11 and Executive Officer for Basic Officer Course 5-11. From 2012-2013 he attended the Expeditionary Warfare School and graduated with honors.

In May 2013, Captain Winn reported to 1st Battalion, 8th Marines. He was assigned as Commanding Officer, Company B and deployed to Okinawa, Japan on the Unit Deployment Program. The company conducted operations as a Company Landing Force in Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. After redeployment, he was reassigned as the Commanding Officer of Weapons Company.

From 2015-2016 Captain Winn was promoted to Major and ordered to 2d Reconnaissance Battalion as the Operations Officer. He deployed as the Battalion Officer-in-Charge for bilateral exchange with the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps to Aruba. From 2016-2017 he attended the Naval War College Command and Staff course and the Maritime Advanced Warfighting School. He graduated with honors.

Major Winn was assigned the billet of Plans Officer for 3d Marine Division in October of 2017. He was assigned to a variety of Division efforts including exercises, regional plans and the development of Division concepts of employment. In 2020, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and reassigned as Operations Officer, 4th Marine Regiment.

His personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medal with “V” and four gold stars, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and the Combat Action Ribbon.

Lieutenant Colonel Winn is a Graduate of Colorado State University where he completed his undergraduate study and Oklahoma State University where he completed graduate study in Economics.