CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. -- Marines and Sailors assigned to 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, trained with Tony Horton, creator of the physical training program P90X, aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, June 9, 2015.
Horton volunteered to train the personnel to give them a fresh perspective on fitness and nutrition.
“I enjoy this,” Horton said. “It’s important to me to be able to support these young [service members] with understanding the importance of fitness and eating right, especially as Marines.”
Horton stated he believes there are better ways to become a well-rounded warrior than the traditional physical training undergone by today’s men and women in uniform.
“A lot of people get stuck in the building part and losing fat,” said Horton. “That’s not enough; we need more modern techniques to help the general fitness.”
“It takes the Marines out of their comfort zone, away from the usual physical training,” said 1st Sgt. Oscar Ornelas, the company first sergeant for Company K, 3rd Bn., 5th Marines. “It’s a different type of challenge; they’re going to be working different kinds of muscles they’re not used to.”
A large part of Marines’ and Sailors’ lives are concentrated on fitness, so naturally they were excited to have an opportunity to work out with the elite trainer.
“It’s a big motivational tool for the Marines,” Ornelas added.
Horton, 57, used his physical condition and his age to demonstrate the importance of exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet.
“I’m an example,” Horton explained. “I don’t know what it’s like to get old. I’m in one of the best conditions of my life because I got my diet and exercise nailed down.”
Horton spends a lot of his time visiting military installations to boost morale and perpetuate a healthy lifestyle. He’s proud to have had the opportunity to meet a lot of service members and hear what they have to say, answering many questions along the way.
“For me, it’s really fun to share what I know along with my crew,” he said. “I wish I could have brought thousands of Americans with me just to witness the discipline and hard work these Marines are doing every day - especially Marines. Being the tip of the spear, [Marines] get it done and it’s impressive.”