
Commanding Officer, 3d Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
LtCol J.J. Dick

LtCol Dick enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in January 2005 as an Administrative Specialist—his first assignment to Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) in Quantico, Virginia. As a Lance Corporal and Corporal, he served as a BUMED and waivers chief. In 2006, he became a citizen of the United States and was selected for the Enlisted Commissioning Program. 

In 2007, he attended Officer Candidate School, The Basic School, and Infantry Officer Course, and reported to the 2d Battalion, 5th Marines. He served as Platoon Commander, Weapons Platoon Commander, and Executive Officer, including two deployments on the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and 31st MEU from 2008-20010. During the 31st MEU, he volunteered for Individual Augment (IA) to 1st Marine Division Forward (1MARDIV FWD) and deployed to Afghanistan from Feb 2010 to Mar 2011. He performed the duties of Assessments Officer, SOF Liaison Officer, Ground Watch Officer, and Senior Watch Officer. 

Upon return from Afghanistan, he received orders to the School of Infantry – West.  He served as Advanced Infantry Battalion assistant operations officer, operations officer, and Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Mobile Training Teams, Combat Hunter Courses, and the Martial Arts Center of Excellence (MACE).  In 2014, he attended the Maneuver Career Captains Course at Fort Benning, GA.  In 2015, he reported to 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and served as assistant operations officer and Company K, Company Commander deploying on Unit Deployment Program–West.  Upon returning from deployment, he executed PCA orders to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, serving as H&S Company Commander from 2016 to 2017.

He then received orders to Task Force 51/5 (TF51/5) – Marine CENT FWD, in Bahrain.  His billets included G-3 FOPs Exercise Planner, Exercise Planner, and United Arab Emirates (UAE) liaison officer.  In 2018, Maj Dick received orders to Training Command, Quantico Va.  He served as Enlisted Production Manager and Force Design action officer.  In 2020, he reported to 2d Battalion, 3d Marines and executed the duties of Executive Officer, and 3d MLR FOPs.  He deployed on the Unit Deployment Program-Hawaii. 

He received orders to P&R and performed the duties of Assistant Program Development Officer (Frog) and Program Development Officer, developing and defending Program Objective Memorandum (POM)-24, POM-25, and POM-26.

1st Marine Division