
Executive Officer, 1st Tank Battalion
Maj. Louis J. Carrano

Maj Carrano was born on 25 October, 1983 in Lynbrook, NY. He enlisted in the Marine Corps and reported to recruit training at MCRD Parris Island in August 2001. Following recruit training, he attended Marine Combat Training and the Automotive Organizational Maintenance Course in Camp Lejeune, NC.


In July 2002, he reported to Headquarters Battery, 11th Marine Regiment in Camp Pendleton, CA. During his time with 11th Marines, Maj Carrano deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom I in 2003 as a mechanic and MTVR Operator, and again to Operation Iraqi Freedom II in 2004 as Maintenance Chief where he was attached to 1st Battalion, 5th Marines and later 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines.


Maj Carrano was accepted to the BOOST Program in 2006 and attended preparatory school in Naval Station Newport, R.I. Upon graduation, he transferred to NROTC San Diego. Maj Carrano graduated from California State University, San Marcos and received a Commission as a Second Lieutenant in May of 2009. 


Maj Carrano reported to 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division in November of 2010 and served in the billets of Assistant Operations Officer, Battalion Fire Support Coordinator, Platoon Commander, Company Executive Officer, and Company Commander. He deployed in support of NATO Training Mission Afghanistan as the CJ4 Security Force Platoon Commander from November 2011 to June of 2012.


In May 2014, Maj Carrano reported to Fort Benning, GA to attend the Maneuver Captain’s Career Course. Upon graduation, he received orders to Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Combat Development and Integration (CD&I), HQMC.


From December 2014 to July 2017, Maj Carrano served as the Capabilities Integration Officer (CIO) for Infantry Combat Equipment (ICE) at CD&I. As the ICE CIO, he managed five Marine Corps capability portfolios including ballistic protection systems, individual warfighting equipment, cold weather and mountaineering, improved load bearing equipment, and Marine Corps uniforms.


In July 2017, Maj Carrano reported to 2d Tank Battalion, 2d Marine Division where he served as Company Commander for Company B and as the Battalion Logistics Officer. While assigned to 2d Tank Battalion, he deployed his company to MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms for Integrated Training Exercise 1-18 and to Fort Stewart, GA for Deployment for Training 1-18.


In July 2019, Maj Carrano reported to the Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group (MCTOG) and served as a Senior Facilitator and Armor Integration Lead for the Advanced Maneuver Warfare Course.


In June 2020, Maj Carrano checked into 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division to assume the duties of Battalion Executive Officer.

1st Marine Division