Commanding Officer, 5th Marine Regiment
Colonel Christopher T. Steele

Colonel Chris Steele is a native of Fayetteville, Georgia. He enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve in 1994, obtaining the rank of Sergeant. He was commissioned a Marine Second Lieutenant in 1998, upon graduation from the University of North Georgia.

Colonel Steele completed The Basic School in 1999 and subsequently completed the Infantry Officer Course. He was then ordered to report to 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines. From 1999 to 2003, Colonel Steele served as a Rifle Platoon Commander, Company Executive Officer, and Assistant Operations Officer. During this time, he completed two deployments to Japan.

Upon completion of his tour with 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, Colonel Steele served as a Basic Officers Course Instructor in Quantico, Virginia. After spending a year in the Warfighting Department, he served as a Staff Platoon Commander for Company A, Company E and Company I. He attended Expeditionary Warfare School from 2005 to 2006 and was then ordered to report to 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines.

Colonel Steele executed two deployments in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM during his time with 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines. He served as the Assistant Operations Officer during his first deployment, and the Commanding Officer of Company G during his second deployment. 

Upon completion of his time with 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, Colonel Steele was reassigned to Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Atlantic (EWTGLANT). From 2008 to 2011, Colonel Steele served as an Amphibious Warfare Instructor. Upon completion of his tour at EWTGLANT, Colonel Steele attended the Marine Corps Command and Staff College in Quantico, Virginia. He then received orders to report to 1st Battalion, 4th Marines for service as the Battalion Executive Officer.

Colonel Steele served as the Executive Officer for Battalion Landing Team 1/4 from 2012 to 2014 and completed a WESTPAC deployment in support of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU). Upon completion of this tour, he was ordered to report to the 13th MEU Command Element, where he served as the Executive Officer and Operations Officer. Prior to the execution of his second deployment in support of the MEU, Colonel Steele was promoted and ordered to report to 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines for service as the commanding officer.

Colonel Steele commanded 2/7 from June 2015, to December 2016. During this time, the battalion deployed as the Ground Combat Element (GCE) in support of the newly formed Special Purpose Marine Air / Ground Task Force, Crisis Response, Central Command (SPMAGTF-CR-CC). Upon completion of his tour with 7th Marines, Colonel Steele attended the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.

From 2018 to 2020, Colonel Steele served as the Special Plans Branch Chief within NORAD and USNORTHCOM’s Strategy, Policy, and Plans Directorate. Upon completion of this tour, Colonel Steele received orders to report to III Marine Expeditionary Force in Okinawa, Japan. From 2020, to 2021, he served as the III MEF Current Operations Officer. In June 2021, Colonel Steele returned to 1st Marine Division to assume command of 5th Marine Regiment.   

1st Marine Division