Founded in 1941, in the crucible of World War II, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines is nearly 100 years old. From seizing Guadalcanal in the Pacific to holding the Toktong Pass at the Chosin Reservoir, and from the jungles of Vietnam to the deserts of Iraq and mountains of Afghanistan, the Battalion has wreaked havoc on the enemy; and it has never lost in nearly 100 years.
Today, the Battalion is garrisoned aboard the Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, California. Although the 7th Marines of World War I contained a “tactical” 2nd Battalion, the first time activation of a command known as “2d Battalion, 7th Marines” took place on 6 September 1933 at Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia. On 3 October 1933, the Battalion departed for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where it secured American interests abroad. On 17 January 1934, following its return to Quantico, it was redesignated as the 2d Battalion of the Fleet Marine Force, and in October 1934, it was redesignated as 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines.
With the clouds of World War II on the horizon, the nation expanded the size of the Corps, and on 1 January 1941, the Battalion reactivated in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Battalion initially moved to Parris Island, South Carolina, and then New River, North Carolina before departing for the South Pacific on 10 April 1942. On 18 September, after jungle warfare training in the Samoa Islands, the Battalion landed on Guadalcanal where it would earn a reputation for courage, heroism, and delivering the decisive blow of the Guadalcanal Campaign when it repelled relentless Japanese counterattacks that culminated on 26 October 1942. Seizing and holding Guadalcanal, subsequently served as a historic inflection point in turning the tide of the war in the Pacific. After a refit phase in Melbourne, Australia, the Battalion would proceed to support offensive operations at Camp Gloucester, New Britain in 1943, the assault on Peleliu in 1944, and the assault on Okinawa in 1945 before the Japanese surrendered on 14 August 1945. The Battalion proceeded to Tientsin, China for the post-war occupation until 5 January 1947 when it returned to Camp Pendleton and subsequently disbanded on 5 March 1947.
On 17 August 1950, the Battalion was reactivated at Camp Pendleton, California, and two weeks later sailed from San Diego. Among the “First to Fight”, the Battalion participated in the Inchon landing, and for almost three years saw action against the North Korean and Chinese Communist forces. Following the Korean Armistice on 17 July 1953, the Battalion withdrew to positions south of the Demilitarized Zone until March 1955 when it departed Korea and returned to Camp Pendleton. During the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, the Battalion held key terrain while repelling superior numbers of Chinese Communist Forces, which proved decisive in keeping the 5th and 7th Marines from becoming isolated at Yudam-ni, and ultimately allowed the Division to consolidate and withdraw to Hagaru-ri.
In June 1965, the Battalion deployed to Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan, and on 7 July 1965 ashore at Qui Nhon in the Republic of Vietnam. From July 1965 to October 1970, the Battalion engaged in sustained combat operations against the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong while operating from Qui Nhon, Chu Lai, Dai Nang, Dai Loc and An Hoa.
In October 1970, the Battalion returned to Camp Pendleton and was reassigned to the 5th Marine Amphibious Brigade. In April 1971, the Battalion was reassigned back to the 1st Marine Division where it would support rotations to Okinawa, Japan in support of the Unit Deployment Program through the 1970s and 1980s. On 29 May 1990, after returning from its most recent rotation to Okinawa, Japan, the Battalion relocated to Twentynine Palms, California. Weeks later, on 17 August 1990, the Battalion deployed as part of Task Force Ripper to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation DESERT SHIELD, and in 1991, it subsequently supported ground combat operations into Kuwait as part of Operation DESERT STORM to expel Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Forces from Kuwait. Fighting through enemy minefields, armor, and troops, the Battalion supported Task Force Ripper’s axis of advance to seize the Kuwait International Airport and the destruction of an Iraqi Armored Division.
In March 1991, the Battalion returned to Twentynine Palms, California. In the intervening years of relative calm during the 1990s, the Battalion maintained a high state of readiness through combined arms training in the high desert and resumed rotations to Okinawa, Japan in support of the Unit Deployment Program. On 11 September 2001, the period of relative calm ended with the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and an unknown target that resulted in a plane crash in Pennsylvania. Over the next five years, the Battalion would deploy multiple times in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM and additional rotations in support of III MEF’s operational force posture, earning its current callsign “HAVOC” and its distinction as “The War Dogs” as one of the most deployed battalions during this period.
In April 2008, the battalion deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and was assigned to Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan and then Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Afghanistan. Operating from locations in Northern Helmand and Eastern Farah Provinces, the Battalion engaged in heavy fighting against determined insurgent forces while conducting full-spectrum counterinsurgency operations by, with, and through the limited Afghan National Police. The Battalion served as the “First to Fight” in the unforgiving home region of the Taliban and paved the way for the larger US Marine Corps contingent to follow. From 2009 to 2011, the Battalion would support two deployments in support of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit and the Unit Deployment Program before returning once again to Helmand Province from 2012 to 2013. This period reflected a dual commitment to regional security in the Western Pacific and counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan, demonstrating the US Marine Corps’ versatility and global reach.
In 2014, the Battalion was once again “First to Fight” when it deployed as the Ground Combat Element for the inaugural deployment of Special Purpose MAGTF – Crisis Response – Central Command 15.1, where it operated across Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, and Yemen. This deployment underscored the Marine Corps’ role as a global crisis response force and force in readiness, ready to deploy, fight, and win on short notice. From 2015 to 2020, the Battalion supported three more rotations in support of the crisis response mission, which included expanded operations into Syria and back into Afghanistan as part of Operations INHERENT RESOLVE and FREEDOM’S SENTINAL. In reorienting to the Pacific, the Battalion has resumed deployments to Okinawa, Japan. On the Battalion’s most recent deployment from October 2023 to April 2024, it built and sustained the contingency and foundational readiness necessary to deploy, fight, and win in support of emergent crises as the First Echelon of the III Marine Expeditionary Force Alert Contingency MAGTF, while advancing force posture and campaigning objectives, interoperability with allies and partners, rehearsing scalable and agile command and control concepts, and investing in Marines, Sailors, and their families.
LT John B. Phelps
Chaplain Corps, USN
Phone #: (760) 830-5865
LT Phelps is a native of Dukes, Kentucky and a 1997 graduate of the Owensboro Community College with an Associates of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership from Wright State University and a Master of Divinity with a focus on Pastoral Care and Counseling from United Theological Seminary. He completed his Clinical Pastoral Education through the Dayton VA Medical Center in Dayton, OH and Baptist Health System in San Antonio, TX.
He was commissioned into the Navy Chaplain Candidate Program in 2015. In 2017, LT Phelps was commissioned into the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps on active duty.
LT Phelps completed his first assignment attached to the US Naval Base Guam Religious Ministry Team as a Staff Chaplain. While at Naval Base Guam, he filled the role of Deputy Command Chaplain, as well as Division officer. He also supported 32 tenant commands including Army, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard units. LT Phelps spent time TAD to the USS O’Kane during Defense of Guam Operation, and aboard the USCGC Sequoia during Maritime Operations in Palau and Yap.
After completing his tour in Guam, he was assigned to serve as the Command Chaplain of SEAL Team SEVEN and Logistics Support Unit ONE with Naval Special Warfare Group One. During his time with NSW, LT Phelps supported NSW Task Unit INDOPACOM and Special Operations Task Force THREE during Operation Spartan Shield.
Currently, he is assigned as the Battalion Chaplain to 2nd Battlaion 7th Marines.
LT Phelps is an Ordained Cumberland Presbyterian Minister, endorsed by the Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military Personnel. He is Board Certified through the National Association of VA Chaplains, a certified Prepare/Enrich and PREP Marriage Program facilitator, and ASIST/safeTalk Suicide Prevention Programs instructor.
He and his wife Maryanne have five children, Jade, Valen, Aria, Paul, and Varro. Maryanne hails from Cleveland, TN.
PHONE #: (760) 830-5872
Family Readiness Hotline: 800-759-7602
The assistance we provide is not only available during deployments but throughout your Marine's time here with 2/7. We are the direct link of communication between the Battalion Commander and the Families and communication is the key to readiness.
The Family Readiness Program provides All Marines the option of having up to four (4) authorized contacts. The information I can provide to you will depend on who the Marine authorizes in the Family Readiness Part of their MOL. Rest assured, when you hear from one of us, it is to offer support or to share official communication from the Command Team.
Whether you are experienced or new to this lifestyle, there are great workshops available through The Marine Corps Family Team Building. They offer great programs here at 29 Palms; including L.I.N.K.S Workshops (Lifestyle, Insight, Networking, Knowledge & Skills) for Spouses, Teens and Marines. They will be offering an online version of L.I.N.K.S for Parents and Siblings soon. CREDO (Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation) offers great retreats for individuals, Couples and Families. These are just a few programs that are available. For more information, please shoot us an email.
If you would like to volunteer, there are many opportunities available. The Command Team is always looking for Morale Support Volunteers. These volunteers are open to anyone interested. Again, please contact us for more information.
Mailing Address:
Rank Las Name, First Name
2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, Enter Company Name Here (Echo, Fox, Golf, Wpns, H&S)
PCS Box 788262
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
Twentynine Palms, CA 92278-8262
Any linked websites that are commercial and non-Department of Defense sponsored are only for your convenience and to further assist Marine and Navy families. By no means does the inclusion of these commercially sponsored links express any form of Federal government or military sponsorship or endorsement.