Sergeant Maj. Alberto Ruiz, former sergeant major, 5th Marine Regiment, speaks to guests during a relief, appointment and retirement ceremony at the Camp San Mateo helicopter landing pad here, Sept. 6, 2013. Marines and sailors of the Fighting Fifth bid farewell to Ruiz, who retired after 30 years of service, and welcomed Sgt. Maj. Clifford Wiggins, sergeant major, 5th Marines, during the ceremony. Wiggins served as the sergeant major of 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion before assuming his current post. Ruiz is a Laredo, Texas, native, and Wiggins is a Cincinnati native.
130906-M-PH863-864.JPG Photo By: Sgt. Alfred V. Lopez

Sep 11, 2013
Camp Pendleton CA United States - Sergeant Maj. Alberto Ruiz, former sergeant major, 5th Marine Regiment, speaks to guests during a relief, appointment and retirement ceremony at the Camp San Mateo helicopter landing pad here, Sept. 6, 2013. Marines and sailors of the Fighting Fifth bid farewell to Ruiz, who retired after 30 years of service, and welcomed Sgt. Maj. Clifford Wiggins, sergeant major, 5th Marines, during the ceremony. Wiggins served as the sergeant major of 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion before assuming his current post. Ruiz is a Laredo, Texas, native, and Wiggins is a Cincinnati native.


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