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Marines with Alpha Company, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Regimental Combat Team 5 arrive back to Camp Korean Village, Iraq, June 23, after an initial meeting with local leaders in the town of Nukhayb. During the mission, Marines with Alpha Co. and members of SEAL Team 3, visited the mayor of the town, Sheik Lawrence Mutib Hazan, and discussed ways to better the town and living conditions for the people. ::r::::n::

Photo by RCT-5

Marines to assist town of Nukhayb

24 Jun 2008 | Cpl. Ryan Tomlinson 1st Marine Division

Marines with Alpha Company, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Regimental Combat Team 5 visited the town here June 24 after assuming operations from Team Mustang, 2nd LAR.

“It’s been awhile since Coalition forces have been in that area,” said Capt. Steven M. Sutey, commanding officer of Alpha Company. “We’re there to integrate security in the town with Coalition and Iraqi forces.”

During the mission, Sutey, 31, from Pittsburgh, and members of SEAL Team 3, visited the mayor of the town, Sheik Lawrence Mutib Hazan, and discussed ways to better the town and living conditions of the people.

The service members patrolled the town visiting the school, Iraqi police station and the food distribution center while conversing with the leaders and workers on what they could do to improve the security of the town and the lifestyle of residents. During the tour, the Marines also filled the town’s water tank and donated soccer balls to the school.

“I really appreciate the assistance the Coalition forces are providing the town,” said Hazan, 55, during the meeting. “They’re welcome here anytime.”

While on patrol, the Marines and sailors inspected the town for a planned project to repair the well that supplies the town with water and the generators that supply the town with power. Seabees with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 17 will assist with the operation to repair the town’s most valuable resources. According to the Marines, the operation will make an impact on the town.

“Supplying water (and power) and building upon the security being carried out will really help these people as they rebuild their country,” said Sgt. Evan D. Smith, a scout team leader with Alpha Co.

The company plans to assist the Iraqi Police, fund the school and create a partnership with the town as the road towards transition of authority to Iraqis draws near.

“I look forward to seeing the progress made. It will make me proud that I was part of something good,” said Smith, 21, from Monticello, Ind. “It’s excellent to see a difference being made.”

1st Marine Division